Monday, September 20, 2010

What I see....

Poe is making me see everything in miniature! I can't help but look at the most random of objects and turn it into an apothecary/entomologists/church/town square.... the list goes on....

All these items were bought at Charity shops and car boot sales over the past week...

A barbie shelf... I see an apothecary (originally turquoise; I added the brown oil paint to give it this Bioshock look)

Battered old wooden pencil sharpeners.... I see a carousel 

Insects in resin... I see entomologists

Plastic animals.... I see circus 

Bell, candle holders, cross, metal plates and glass box... I see a church

Marble and metal ornament... I see a fountain

One day all these random items will be part of a movie set, today they are a-load-of-crap-taking-up-too-much-space!

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